One sneaky white cat in hot pursuit of freedom! While it may appear he is simply running after the woofie, perhaps to play, the real story is that he has managed to run out of the house while I was trying to stop Spike from getting out. The woofie has settled in well and clearly recognizes this house and yard as hers (quite evident when we are returning after her walk and she speeds up noticeably when the house comes into view). Consequently we will let her out onto the driveway when we are unpacking groceries. This time Angel was very quick to slip around me and run onto the grass. I told hubby that he could bring Angel back into the house, which he quickly declined. Refer to this post to see why neither of us wants to pick up our loving cat when he is sitting on the lawn:
Yeow! That's quite a story. We hope Angel came in more easily this time...without the oven mitts!
I loved the picture of Angel in the green foliage and can see why it is your favourite! I hope you were able to get him back in the house without any injury!!!
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