Our bed is usually occupied by Angel, who comes in during the night to sleep on any available warm legs and in the day to sit on the edge of the bed looking out at the window. On occasion, I do a double take when I notice Angel doesn't really look like himself - and then I realize it is Sebastian. I have a bad habit of leaving some article of clothing on the bed and whenever I do this, it isn't long before Sebastian comes into the room and is drawn towards whatever has been left there. He sits on top of it, beside it, in front of it...and always leaves me a "present" of little white furs. (One would think I would know better by now!)
Oh, those cat furs! They are always with us...and they always like to pick a nice contrasting color to place their furs upon, don't they?
Lol, happiness is taking a little cat hair with you wherever you go!
Hi! We saw you on wendy's LOLSpot and stopped by to say "hello"...
We have two whitesters at our house, in fact there's 12 of us Cats in all! Come on over and visit any time!
XX Lounge Kats
Romeo does the same, as soon as there is any clothing item on the bed, he will lay on it.
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