Well…..how could I resist an opportunity to respond to this? This will be an interesting challenge for me since I initially started the blog for friends and family who wanted to know what the cats were doing rather than me!
1. The old saying “If you love what you do, you’ll never work another day in your life” is so true…but my husband regularly phones me to remind me I do have to come home from work at some time. I work in Finance, in the retail fashion world. Whenever I feel I’ve had enough numbers for awhile, I pop down to the concept rooms where the fashion samples are arranged on the wall,,,or the next season product is laid out in modules. I do spend more on clothes than I should….but I tell my husband it is “research”!
2. In summer I relax, watch HGTV shows, Coronation Street and Dog Town (why don’t they have a Cat Town or a Cat Whisperer?) and spend time in the garden, walking the dog, out shopping and just driving around checking out the local shops and malls. I slow down in summer and find I am recharged and ready to go again in September. By then I am eager to get started for my upcoming evening lecture sessions (accounting and finance….what else!) I love to teach and I enjoy writing my own cases for one of the classes….this is the creative side of me coming out.
3. I love to read …hard copy or electronic…either media suits me fine. I enjoy science fiction, with Isaac Asimov top on my list. I do have several books scattered around the living room (you see some of them underneath Spike) and more upstairs…I have a bad habit of starting a book and then grabbing another that catches my interest or happens to be handy at the time I taking a break.
4. We have 4 kids (the baby bears as we call them...although the 6’6’ son and 6’5” son really don’t appreciate that description). The youngest son is our Cat Whisperer in the family and he willingly shares his bed, desk and cupboard with our scaredy cat, Sebastian.
5. I knew my husband was going to the right fellow for me back in the early days when he showed up at my door one winter day with a beautiful silver grey long haired cat tucked away under his coat, with just its penetrating green eyes peeking out. (He still loves long haired cats, hence the many photos of Spike that are peppered throughout the blog.)
6. I have been drawn to animals from an early age and have had pets most of my life. At the top of the post I have included a photo of a much younger me at my grandpa’s farm in Australia…..surrounded by my favourite four legged furry friends (one cat and one puppy) and a “chook” (as my grandma would say). On a related note, I was born in Australia, lived in Africa, England and Scotland….and then moved to Canada when I was still quite young. Here to stay now!
7. My favourite time of the day – usually happens late evening when hubby and I are sitting in the living room. Angel will be draped on my legs, the woofie is curled at our feet and we hear soft snoring coming from Spike who is tucked away behind us on the blanket by the couch.
What an interesting life, having lived in several countries as you've done. And what a full house you have, two-legged kids as well as four-legged! All that and a job you love, too - sounds like a perfect recipe for a happy life, and I'm glad that in the midst of all this, you find time to write of your Furry Boys!
Hi Mama Bear, so nice to learn more about a fellow Canadian! I love how you knew your husband was the right choice for you. Any man who shows up bearing kitties is okay in my book too!!
I know the blogs are for the cats, but I hope you had fun picking your seven things...I sure had fun reading them :-)
Love this photo of Manon.
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