Angel has been observing Ben's dangling paw
http://catscats-catrina.blogspot.com/2010/08/tuxedo-tuesday.html and decided to show off his own paw dangling ability. The first shot catches Angel on the living room coffee table - about 10 minutes after Spike has hopped off. The next is one of Angel's favorite poses...anytime I lie down on the couch it is just a matter of time before Angel susses it out and slinks over to stretch out. Who needs a hot water blanket when Angel is around!
"The one that got away": Angel was sitting on a large box the other day, with paw draped over the edge, when the woofie walked by. Angel started batting at the woofie's tail as she walked by but by the time we grabbed a camera, the action was over and the paw tucked away.
I love the dangle, it just has this casual element to it that always makes me laugh!
All of my boys do the dangle; do Spike and Sebastion do it too or is Angel the only one?
Spike does the two paw front dangle - very prim and proper for such a big fluff. Sebastian is much more wary of all around him so most poses are fairly tense if he spies someone coming towards him. But we are keeping a watch out for a suitable shot!
I like the dangle, and also crossed paws - either front or back will do!
My dear departed Sneaky Pie was a big tough tabby, and he loved to lounge on a table in front of a window, resting one paw across the windowsill - he looked just like a tough guy hanging his arm out the car window while cruising around...
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