So tonight is a peaceful night at home..with the furry beasties dotted all around. Sebastian is curled up on younger son's bed, Spike has jumped into the box by the front door, Angel is sitting on the arm of the chair (looking over at me), Sadie has settled herself onto hubby's lap ..and the woofie has wiggled in beside me on the couch. Who could ask for a better New Year's Eve celebration?
Friday, December 31, 2010
Waiting for the New Year
So tonight is a peaceful night at home..with the furry beasties dotted all around. Sebastian is curled up on younger son's bed, Spike has jumped into the box by the front door, Angel is sitting on the arm of the chair (looking over at me), Sadie has settled herself onto hubby's lap ..and the woofie has wiggled in beside me on the couch. Who could ask for a better New Year's Eve celebration?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Series Continues: Spike in a Box

Much as I'd like to toss this box out into the bin, it seems to be a popular spot now..even if only for a few minutes. So...during our travels this morning, we popped into a local pet store and picked up a furry little sleeping pad to tuck inside the box. We came home, put the pad inside the box, grabbed a coffee from the kitchen and then looked for Angel to show him the new cozy box. By the time we had Angel in hand, the box was already occupied by Spike. Argh!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
What to do on a cold winter's day
Curl up in a nice warm cat bed, of course!
Sadie's sleep has been disturbed by the house photographer. As you can see, she is slowly turning the black cat bed lining to a nice pale shade of white.
Sebastian looks out warily, wondering why someone is invading his space. This bed has been placed on top of the refrigerator - which is one of Sebastian's safe havens away from the reach of the woofie.

Monday, December 20, 2010
Romeo returns
Tell me your secrets....the light is shining in your eye and you will tell me.

Actually the real story starts a frame or two earlier. Romeo informed his mom that he wanted to have an open window to sit at. Within a few minutes of nice fresh air (Montreal cold winter air) Romeo decided he had had enough and needed to warm up. He found a nice cosy spot on a nearby printer and warmed himself up under the overhead light. My friend was able to grab her camera to get these great shots you see above. The light makes Romeo look like a much lighter colored tabby and his green eyes really stand out. The last photo is the most fascinating to me since I can see the depth and variations of the different greens in his eyes.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sadie enjoying the front window

Monday, December 13, 2010
Introducing Lady Gray

My friend decided to bring Lady Gray into her family after finding out through her vet that a family who owned Lady Gray had developed allergies to her. As soon as I read this, I thought of "Lucky 13" at Katnip Lounge. The thought of Sylvestor waiting so long at the vet's for a loving family to rescue him was so sad..but fortunately such a happy ending. Lady Gray did not have to wait as long, fortunately. My friend has a wonderful warm heart and this will be another lucky kitty with a forever home.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Leg Warmers

(I will admit that when papabear said it was time that we took the woofie for a walk...I responded "We? I think you mean "you"!)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I'll make myself fit into this bed

Sunday, December 5, 2010
What are you doing down there?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Matching Set

The woofie's bed is one of my favourites and came from Costco. We bought it because the beautiful soft green matched the house decor..but the woofie wasn't impressed with our sense of colour/style and ignored it for several weeks. Finally, she is starting to use it although it appears to be rather grudgingly sometimes. The cats are more appreciative when she is on her bed because they can race back and forth in the living room without having to scoot around a lounging dog.
When we were out at our regular visit to the Humane Society gift shop the other week, I happened to see a matching cat bed. The inside was fake fur, which our kitties seem to like cuddling up to and the outside microfibre was almost a perfect match to the woofie’s bed. We debated whether our cats would fit into the bed since it looked smaller than the beds we currently have but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to buy one that might actually look like it belongs in the room. When we brought it home, the first one in was Angel. It took him some time to figure out how to fit all of himself into the bed. He started out with a tail and a leg hanging out, then he turned around a few times until he could fit all extremities in. As you can see this photo is from one of his first few attempts! He now has claimed this bed for himself, figuring if he spends much of his time all curled up, then there would be no room for anyone else to climb in.
So how many cat beds does everyone have? I am thinking a ratio of 2 beds to every cat is probably the norm.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Eyes Have It

A couple of weeks ago I saw a great shot of Casper's eyes on Cat's blog.
I asked hubby to take photos of our four furries and it surprised me to see how very different each set of cat's eyes look when the rest of the cat is not in sight. For regular readers...can you figure out who is who? have been added in the order each cat joined our family. Nov 15th postscript...names now added!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sadie is here to stay
* hubby maintains he is busy working on the computer not playing
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The love of our animals

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Watch Cat

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The New Face In Town
Check out this new cutie at Laura at A Life of Many Cats has added a beautiful new lady cat, Khia, to her household. Khia has a marvellous "coat of many colours" and has such beautiful green eyes. I am looking forward to seeing many more photos of this sweetie.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Testing out the sleeping areas
As we spend more time with her, we are better able to observe the characteristics which make her different from the boys..and those that are similar. She seems to be most like Angel in temperament and actions. The other day when I had my shower, I opened the shower curtain to step out and expected to see Angel sitting comfortably on the clothes basket (he loves the sound of water). But this time it was Sadie who was curled up on the bathroom mat with her head stretched out on my pajamas!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Please..please...let me out!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Busy day...long post

Then down to the Forks to see the Rescue Inc guys who were in the city this weekend to help out in a fund raising event for the local rescue groups. (Above is a quick shot of them, along with their two favorite dogs.) It was great to see so many people out and many of them had their dogs with them as well. Many of the rescue groups had set up booths to sell products so we had to go check everything out. My favorite stopping point was one of the cat rescue booths where I saw several cute cat mats and matching catnip squares. Of course, I just had to buy a mat and a catnip square for Sadie. While waiting in line, I looked through the cat prints (pictures...not paws!) that were sitting in a display holder. One print was titled "Sebastian the Cat" so I had to add that to my purchases as well. Even though the cat in the print was black, I thought the title was a hint so we will now have two Sebastians (although one will be behaving better than the other!) In the other photo above you'll see how Sadie is enjoying her new treat.
Last stop was a local rescue we regularly visit to purchase salmon treats for the woofie. Yes, another place where we get a chance to pat some free roaming kitties! The other item we picked up was a holder with two large stainless steel water/food dishes. One would think this was for the woofie...well, yes and no. Spike and Angel often stop by the woofie's water dish to help themselves so we decided it would be a good idea to have a couple of dishes at floor level for whichever furry decides he/she needs a drink!
P.S. An additional comment for Angel's photo yesterday. Angel often sits beside me on the couch late in the evening when I am working late. A laptop on my lap....and a sweet little cat cuddled up to my right. When it is time for bed, most often Angel will follow me upstairs and sleep by my legs. I do feel guilty when the alarm rings and I try to move my legs away from Angel without disturbing him. I am never successful since he is a light sleeper..and he will quickly try to walk up onto my chest, where he promptly sits down facing me and tries to lick my face. So every once in awhile I do have to let him sit undisturbed on one of his favorite places (i.e. the chair...not me!)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Angel on my chair
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday is a day for sleeping

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