We have been very fortunate to have great weather this past week .....and we have had our windows open to enjoy the fresh, crisp, Fall weather. Sebastian is the cat who is most entranced by the smell of the great outdoors....and is the one we always have to watch carefully to ensure he doesn't escape out the front door whenever we come in or leave. Hubby was outside working in the yard when he looked up and saw this plaintive little face looking wistfully out of the kitchen window. He quickly whipped out the little camera he keeps handy for impromptu shots..and caught this one just in time for posting on the blog!
He does look a little sad!
Nubbin wiggles,
The Baby just got a harness...she was getting a little too brave outside. She and Sebastian share the same longing Look for the Great Outdoors. What a sad little face!
Yes Sebastion has a longing face on! Our Casper practically lives in the sunroom window during the summer smelling the great outdoors even in his sleep (he has a cat bed there that none or the others dare go in) but he never tries to dash outside...thankfully :-)
Sometimes they have that look of Utter Desolation - "How could you be OUTSIDE when I can't be??!!"
This is Sebastion, Don't just take a photo of me, PLEASE let me go outside!
Awww! What a plaintive look! Something tells me perhaps Sebastian once roamed free and still has a taste for the outdoors. Either that or he's very intrigued with all the different smells wafting through the window.
Such a cute picture though!
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