Spike's reaction to the Wubba was typical..grab, bite, chew..and ignore any other cat in sight. Sadie just sat and watched in interest. The smell of catnip must have wafted downstairs since Angel was quick to come up and as soon as Spike lost interest, Angel went over to smell the Wubba. As you can see in the background, Sadie is getting ready to walk out of her room, willing to leave the Wubba treat to the boys. And out of the room is the operative word...she is now free to walk among the rest of the furries. So far, she has walked around both floors, looked out the front window and the back window (both of which are level to the floor which provides a great sightline for a cat) and has learned how to take the cat tunnel shortcut through the hall.
HURRAH! Hopefully the boys will associate Sadie with the appearance of "good" things. I'm grinning from ear to ear!
I think the wubba worked just fine :-) This is all fantastic...things are progressing so well. I'm so glad to see Sadie feeling at home!
Well, that was easy! It's a wonderful thing to have peacefulness among kitties. Soon she will be exploring and finding all kinds of crazy cat antics to keep busy with!
Well, that's fantastic! Good idea to have the new toy to divert attention from the real reason for the meeting.
I don't think it could have gone any better from your description.
Yay for Sadie! Now she's officially "one of the boys".
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