This past weekend I have been out of town attending a conference and several events (leaving the cats in the care of our youngest son). On Saturday, two of my colleagues were receiving their hard earned and well deserved professional designations and I was particularly touched by the comments they made as part of their recognition of the support they had received along the way. Both recognized the role their pets played in their journey..and it made me think about my own furry family members who give support in their own way. I have probably mentioned that Angel will invariably curl up beside me when it is late at night and I am working on my laptop. He seems to instinctively sense the difference between me watching TV and simply having it on as white noise when I am working - and it is the latter times that he will come to sit beside me. Our woofie is also quite good at staying downstairs with me late evenings - although she will occasionally whine and try to let me know when she thinks it is time to head off to bed (she then gives up and comes back to sit by my feet!) It can be quite lonely at 2 AM when the house is quiet and every one else is in bed ...so the company is much appreciated.
My Hubby is the same way. He works from home, and he'll often call me at (my) work to tell me some little story about one of our furkids...I think they must run his business!
They are blessings indeed :)
As frustrating as cats all over your desk can be, they're excellent stress relief.
I think cats are amazing creatures!They always know when we need a little something from them; a purr of encourgement, a gentle head-butt to show support, or just to lie quietly beside us and let us know we are not alone :-)
Isn't it nice to know that you always have an Angel watching over you. You are blessed indeed!
"Both recognized the role their pets played in their journey..and it made me think about my own furry family members who give support in their own way."
LOVELY thoughts from one pet owner to another.
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