The scene begins with an old box on its way out to the recycling bin. We made the mistake of leaving it on the floor, expecting to take it outside the next time someone headed out the door. Within a few minutes, Angel quickly jumped inside and made himself comfortable. Well..we all know what happens when Angel finds a "nest" he enjoys...............................................

Yes...it is the master of all "nest nappers" who comes along to check out the new nest! As soon as Angel left the box to head into the kitchen for a bite of food, Spike hopped in and made himself comfortable.
Much as I'd like to toss this box out into the bin, it seems to be a popular spot now..even if only for a few minutes. So...during our travels this morning, we popped into a local pet store and picked up a furry little sleeping pad to tuck inside the box. We came home, put the pad inside the box, grabbed a coffee from the kitchen and then looked for Angel to show him the new cozy box. By the time we had Angel in hand, the box was already occupied by Spike. Argh!
Oh that looks like a SUPER box! We must ask Mommy to get us one just like it. We'd be waiting in line to occupy it!
There is just no stopping Spike "Every Basket is MINE", is there???
Happy 2011 to you and all the kitties!
Maybe that cat needs box-hab!
From our house to your, we wish you an amazing 2011!
Oskar & Pam
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