I could use a couple more of these when I am outside...weather here is -29 degrees Celsius, and that doesn't include the impact of the windchill. It would be a great day to stay inside and snuggle with the furry beasties.
(I will admit that when papabear said it was time that we took the woofie for a walk...I responded "We? I think you mean "you"!)
Last week when it was colder out, I woke up with SIX beasties on the bed! They do generate a lot of heat. Too bad you can't train them to hang on when you go outside...
Those look like the best kind of leg warmers!!!
Yes, the only problem with those kind of leg warmers is that they tend to hold you down. It's difficult to be mobile while they are attached.
That is such an adorable picture, by the way.
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