You might remember this green cat bed from an earlier post ..when we were surprised that Angel managed to fit in. Well..it has been in the house for a few weeks without any interest from Spike. 3 days ago (and coincidentally about the same time Sadie started to sleep in Spike's favorite brown plaid bed) Spike decided to squish his quite large body into the green cat bed. We thought this would be short lived since he really looked quite uncomfortable at the time. However, every day for the past 3 days he has been jumping into this cat bed in the early evening. Right now he is fast asleep with his head and tail hanging out, definitely overflowing. Poor Angel who had claimed the bed for his own is now sitting beside me on the couch, with a not so happy look, occasionally looking over to see if if his bed is available.
Musical Beds! Happens at our house too. Poor Angel, he'll have to go oust somebody else or find a new spot...
It's interesting that Sadie took Spike's bed; female dominance wins again!
What a perfect picture of fluff! Musical beds was my first thought, also. Maybe one of the unoccupied beds can be strewn with catnip, and little Angel plunked down in it, so he can claim it for his own...
I guess it's time to buy yet another cat bed for Angel (or maybe Spike will take over that one and let Angel have this one).
Yes, I don't know what it is about cats. They seem to like to fit themselves into things that are almost too small for them.
My Dante likes to sit in boxes where he's hanging over the edges -- you would think it would be too uncomfortable!
I just love all of Spike's floofy white floof!
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