Tell me your secrets....the light is shining in your eye and you will tell me.

Actually the real story starts a frame or two earlier. Romeo informed his mom that he wanted to have an open window to sit at. Within a few minutes of nice fresh air (Montreal cold winter air) Romeo decided he had had enough and needed to warm up. He found a nice cosy spot on a nearby printer and warmed himself up under the overhead light. My friend was able to grab her camera to get these great shots you see above. The light makes Romeo look like a much lighter colored tabby and his green eyes really stand out. The last photo is the most fascinating to me since I can see the depth and variations of the different greens in his eyes.
Fizz loves to sit under the lamp too!!
Romeo's mommy has to freeze her ___ off while Romeo sits by the open window. What I wouldn't do for my baby.
Yes, Romeo, anything you say! What a good looking boy you are!
Romeo, we are Not Allowed to sit on the Printer. You are lucky to get to use the most fantastic Bum Warmer ever invented!
Romeo's eyes are a fantastic colour...I love green-eyed cats!!!
I just stop by to say
Merry Christams !!!!!
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