We had a nice visit with a friend last night..and her kitty. This little one came from our local Humane Society and has been settling in to her new home over the past few months. We heard a little more about her history last night....always sad to hear how these sweeties wind up at the Humane Society. Apparently someone was driving by a travel agency, stopped, quickly dropped two kitties at the front door and then drove off right away. My friend said it was clear that her kitty had been a house pet at some time since she knew all about the use of a cat toilet and she did not jump up on the furniture until she was invited. Miss Kitty (her most recent name) is a loving little furball that purrs up a storm when scratched under the chin.
PS We are attempting to see what books are of interest to our furry boys..with an eye to helping them snooze off peacefully. Over the next week, we hope to post a few photos of favorite books (mamabear's favorites) to gauge our felines' reaction to their bedtime reading. So far results have been dismal at best..one book, two cats...and a quick exit at the sound of the book opening!
What a sweet cat, and wonderful to have a good home after being abandoned. Don't you wonder what they think, when their lives are turned upside down like that?
So far the reading program has not impressed any felines. I read a bit while Alvin was lying next to me...he purred some, but did not seem interested at all. I'll see what happens with the other two.
Maybe it's the choice of reading material - there was no mention of cats! Maybe an article from Birds & Blooms magazine might be more suitable, I'll try that next. Good luck with your reading program!
I despise people who abandon their pets. They should never be parents! My mom and sister also adoped many pets who were left abandoned on the main road where they live.
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