Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Jeans

Such a look of innocence while curled up on a pair of jeans on the coffee table. Spike rarely sits on the coffee table but yesterday we came in to find him purring away, rubbing his face against a pair of little boy jeans left on the table. He did not want to leave the coffee table, instead curling up beside the jeans after he had finished checking them out at close range with his nose. One would almost think that we had washed these in catnip!


MTVA said...

Cats can be such cuddlers! If we're not around,sometimes our clothing is just enough to be some comfort to them. Now that it's so hot there's not much cuddling going on here, and I miss it! Your cats are so beautiful and it's fun to see what they are up to. Have a great Sunday!

Ingrid said...

Maybe you did,lol ! anyway a cat on a coffee table is very decorative !

Cat said...

So beautiful. My guys do the same thing if we leave a jacket or tshirt lying around, one of them will be on it immediately making sure it smells appropriately catlike :-) I think it is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Romeo does the same. If we leave any clothes laying on the bed, he will certainly, lay on them.