Some very expressive photos of our friends' cat Romeo..as he heads off to the vet with his mom and dad. Not a happy cat...and you can see how he is hanging onto mom with that "please....don't let go of me" look. The first photo shows his true feelings about his visit to the vet.
Poor Baby! The most dreadful day on the calendar is v-e-t day...
I was afraid when I first saw the title and picture, that Romeo was all upset about Miss Sadie. Has there been any official Meet & Greet yet?
Romeo, it will be over soon...just hang on for dear life.
Oh, you already are!
Hope all went well at the vet for Romeo. Nice to meet someone else with a deaf cat - our Al can be handful. Bless you for taking in two!
Romeo survived his annual vet appointment. Only meowed all the way to the vet and back. We drove about 3 minutes to get to the vet so Romeo was crying for the entire 3 minutes. He hates being in cars.
Romeo is not a deaf cat.
Romeo never met Miss Sadie as we live in Montreal.
Not good a vet visit.. Hope it went well.. Hugs GJ x
I forgot that Romeo was NOT one of The Furry Boys! Maybe a second cup of coffee is in order, before commenting in the early mornings!
Well, I am glad Romeo has the vet visit behind him, and can get back to being relaxed...and adorable!
I would be very happy to add Romeo to our family...he is such a loving, beautiful cat and he has those "come hither" green eyes! I keep forgetting to add to the narrative that he is my riende' cat...that is what happens when I post late at night (and the coffee has stopped working!)
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