Monday, May 19, 2014

Goodbye to Dakota

This past Saturday was a sad day for us.  We had to say goodbye to Dakota, our 15 year rescue sheltie. She had been struggling lately, finding it very difficult to sit down and even more so to get up.  We found out on Friday that she had an adrenal gland tumor when she went for her ultrasound and we knew that at her age, we could do nothing more for her. She had been stumbling and falling down on her way to her water bowl so we made the difficult decision to say goodbye to her on Saturday.  My husband held her close until her last breath and I hope she knew how much we loved her in in her short 3 years with us.

She did not care for our cats and when they came too close she would bare her teeth to warn them off. We did worry a little when we first brought her home but realized that our cats were smart enough to keep their distance and certainly were not interested in getting to know her better. Towards the end Dakota tolerated the cats and would let them share the coveted front window space with her.


Everycat said...

Run free beautiful Dakota, what a beautiful girl you were

They are never with us for long enough. May happy memories come to you soon

Jane & Mungo xx

MTVA said...

So sorry you had to say goodbye to Dakota. What a beautiful, sweet-faced dog. How good you were to give her those happy, but too short, years with you and your family. Sending comforting purrs your way.

Mr Puddy said...

Soft purrs for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Rest in peace , Sweet Dakota
Please Take Care

Amanda said...

Sounds like Dakota was a very special soul. May she roam free in doggie heaven. Sorry for your loss.