Looking so angelic, Spike has staked out his territory on the coffee table. His paws are crossed as if to say "Aren't I so sweet?" He simply plops his large body down wherever he finds a comfortable spot and then looks around to see what is going on. All the action was on the TV behind him - but he thought it would be more interesting to face hubby and I.
Well of course! You are His People, after all. And you might have treats.
He is so beautiful!!!
Along with pre-empting any bed, box or basket, Spike's main occupation might be Looking Beautiful, and Waiting to be Admired...
Also I loved the pictures of Kessie in his Christmas finery, it's a pleasure to meet up with another adorable cat gracing the pages of your blog!
What more could you want than that lovely face looking at you Gorgeous. Hugs GJ x
Hi! We just started our own blog, and we are going around trying to meet everyone at Pet Blogs United. Sammy-Joe wants you to know that he likes to lay just like that too sometimes! If the humans are reading the newspaper, Sammy-Joe lays like that, right on top of the newspaper! He thinks he's way more interesting than the news!
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