In Penthouse View posted on January 6th
http://ourfurryboys.blogspot.com/2011/01/penthouse-view.html MTVA commented that while Spike might look innocent, he was likely plotting the takeover of the much coveted green cat bed. Such timely words! Earlier today, Spike decided it was time to assert his ownership over "all things comfortable" and told Angel to vacate the bed. Angel did not give up without a fight...some hissing, growling and paw waving..but all to no avail. When a pussycat twice your size decides you need to move, what do you do? Well .. a graceful exit to the nearest chair seems to be the answer for now.
Oh, we've got Spike's number, haven't we?! He wants what's his - and what's yours, too! I hope sweet Angel finds a Spike-proof hideaway somewhere...
Poor Angel, life just isn't fair sometimes!
PURRhaps in future, they can have some sort of time-share arrangement for the green cat bed. Then there's no reason for violence of any sort -- although the only thing that was hurt was likely Angle's pride.
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