It is almost the first anniversary for Sadie's Gotcha day..so time to post a few recent photos. She has picked up a few of Spike's habits in her time here ....taking over a recently vacated warm seat, claiming back part of the woofie territory and keeping watch at the front window with a woofie just beside.
In the first photo, it had been a cold morning (air conditioning in the house) so I grabbed a warm blanket to throw over the back of my chair. I went to get coffee and brekkie, and came back to a curled up, contented cat in my seat. Nest nappers come in various sizes and shapes around here!
In the second photo, Sadie has decided that she was going to make herself comfortable on the small carpet we bought for the dogs. Usually there is a woofie curled up on the carpet but this day it must have been empty long enough for Sadie to find a comfortable spot and fall asleep. This always surprises me because the smell of several woofies must be thoroughly blended into the carpet and I can't imagine that being appealing to any cat.
In the last photo, hubby and I came home to find two plaintive faces pressed up against the front window, waiting patiently for us to return from shopping. Usually Spike grabs the front window and will hip check any cat in the way but I reckon he must have been sleeping at this time.