Friday, April 1, 2011

Now that is a big cat cage!

The intrepid and fearless Spike decided it was time to conquer a new frontier - the woofie's travelling cage. We had taken it out of the car when I had to head out West to pick up older son from college (along with a full load of assorted household articles) and the cage had been sitting in the living room for a few days. We had placed the blue blanket on top since we didn't want any of the cats to jump up and get a paw or two caught in the slats. For the first few days there was an occasional sniff from one of the cats as they walked by but no real interest. Then one day we found Spike pulling at the partially open cage door and then climbing inside to check it out. He settled in for several minutes, looking totally comfortable on the woofie's blanket. Then he decided enough was enough, walked out and then jumped on top of the cage to fall blissfully asleep (likely dreaming of continued world domination, Spike style!)


Katnip Lounge said...

Us Cats need to investigate EVERYTHING. So we can conquer it!

Mommy says that if it ever gets up to 90 degrees...that's when she'll visit. She's a wimp.

Mr Puddy said...

COD !!! You are very serious with Woofie's Smell : )

Cat said...

NOTHING is off limits to cats - LOL!!!

Ruzica said...

Just wanted to say HI to all the furry boys!
Meow & Woof!