My friend R. has said goodbye to her beloved Romeo this week. He had renal failure and R. had to make the difficult decision to help relieve him from further suffering. A most handsome cat with an expressive face ....with an attitude that was so humanlike. I will miss his visits to the blog - but he will always be on here. His first visit was on January 14, 2009 ..followed up by one of my favorite ever photos where he is drinking out of the fish bowl without bothering the fish who lived there! http://ourfurryboys.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html
The first 4 photos above show him in one of his favorite places - in the yard outside his home (plenty of fresh air and insects to watch, along with a sun warmed resting place). The last shows a totally contented cat, curled up comfortably on his owners' bed, knowing he was loved and cared for.