Saturday, May 28, 2011

Room for Two

Our woofie looks rather annoyed to wake up and find Spike sprawled out at the end of the couch. Usually this spot is occupied by me when I am working on my laptop. For the past three weeks I have been working on my other commitments in my "spare time" (3 projects for two different educational organizations) on top of the regular 45+ hours day job so have almost doubled my working hours in this time. Short term pain - since it will be coming to an end in a little over two weeks. During my late nights I typically have my two loyal pets keeping me company- the woofie on the couch, then on the floor, then on the couch..and Angel somewhere in the living room, looking over at me occasionally with a loving glance (or at least that is what my bleary eyes see!) Spike has no interest in hanging around with me - he only has eyes for my hubby. But he certainly has an interest in continuing his domination over all things soft and comfortable!


Mr Puddy said...

MOL..I do understand Spike cause I'm a daddy boy too : )
Mommy always get jealous..heh..heh

Katnip Lounge said...

Spike, you're the smart one of the bunch, occupy the warm soft spot! Let the dog have the floor, heh heh.